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Quick Facts (Full BOP Stats can be found here) Currently positive-testing inmates: 137 (down from 154) Currently positive-testing staff: 277 (down from 286) Recovered inmates: 42,595 (down from 42,622) Recovered staff: 8,318 (up from 8,293)

Institutions with the largest number of currently positive-testing inmates:

Canaan UPS: 37 (down from 46)

Brooklyn MDC: 9 (unchanged)

Forrest City Medium FCI: 7 (down from 9)

Institutions with the largest number of currently positive-testing staff:

Forrest City Medium FCI: 21 (unchanged)

Forrest City Low FCI: 21 (unchanged)

Carswell FMC: 13 (unchanged)

System-wide testing results: Presently, BOP has 133,704 federal inmates in BOP-managed institutions and 14,735 in community-based facilities. Today's stats: Completed tests: 125,047 (up from 124,874) Positive tests: 42,307 (down from 42,351)

Total vaccine doses administered: 245,279 (up from 243,714)

News Note: in an article Sunday titled, "Nearing Monday coronavirus vaccine deadline, thousands of federal workers seek religious exemptions to avoid shots," by Lisa Rein, Ian Duncan and Alex Horton, the Washington Post reports that thousands of federal workers are seeking religious exemptions from the vaccine mandate, chief among whom are employees of the Federal Bureau of Prisons: "The number of religious objectors ranges from a little more than 60 people at the Education Department to many thousands among the 38,000-strong workforce at the Bureau of Prisons, according to federal employee union officials." "The Bureau of Prisons," they report, "was well below national rates, with just 58 percent of its workforce at least partly vaccinated." The basis for the religious exemption? “ 'A very big majority are religious,' said Brandy Moore, national secretary-treasurer of the Council of Prisons Locals 33 of AFGE, which represents about 30,000 of the agency’s 38,000 employees. 'These people are like, I’m strongly against abortion, how can you force me to get this? ” The article goes on to note that "Coronavirus vaccines do not contain actual fetal cells. Decades-old fetal cell lines were used in some aspects of vaccine testing and development, as they have been for other vaccines."

Ed. Note: When arguing compassionate release motions the low vaccination rates of BOP employees is worth noting as cause for concern that inmates remain particularly susceptible to infection, as they come into close contact daily with unvaccinated staff.

Death Watch (Note: The BOP press website announces BOP COVID-related deaths here.) The BOP has identified no new COVID-19 fatalities. Total inmate COVID-related deaths remain at 266. Ten of the inmate fatalities died while on home confinement. Staff deaths remain at 7.

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