Quick Facts (Full BOP Stats can be found here) Currently positive-testing inmates: 540 (down from 631) Currently positive-testing staff: 548 (up from 547) Recovered inmates: 43,026 (up from 42,952) Recovered staff: 7,639 (up from 7,624)
Institutions with the largest number of currently positive-testing inmates:
Herlong FCI: 112 (down from 114)
Sheridan FCI: 90 (down from 93)
Beaumont USPI: 60
Institutions with the largest number of currently positive-testing staff:
Oakdale I FCI: 27 (unchanged)
Phoenix FCI: 27 (up from 25)
Beaumont USP: 25 (unchanged)
System-wide testing results: Presently, BOP has 131,503 federal inmates in BOP-managed institutions and 14,421 in community-based facilities. Today's stats: Completed tests: 122,071 (up from 121,947) Positive tests: 43,095 (down from 43,112)
Total vaccine doses administered: 225,695
News Note: Vaccinations vs. Delta: Several news outlets have reported on a recent CDC Report regarding an unidentified Texas federal prison where an extraordinary outbreak of the Delta variant infected 93% of the unvaccinated inmates (39 of 42) and 70% of the vaccinated inmates (129 of 185). ("Vaccinated" was defined as 14 days or more since being completely vaccinated.) Here are some additional takeaways, as reported by Chuck Dinerstin, MD, MBA, writing for the American Council of Science and Health:
In the 58 cases that underwent genomic sequencing, all were from the same Delta variant.
The protection provided by the vaccine waned over time. Infections were found in 89% of those vaccinated more than four months previously and 61% in those vaccinated in the last two months.
Consistent with the recent Israeli data, vaccination after initial COVID infection (5% infected) was more protective than vaccination alone (57% infected).
Four individuals were hospitalized, 3 of whom were unvaccinated. One unvaccinated inmate died.
Given this information, says the ACSH, it is relatively easy to establish the narrative. The vaccination is not fully protective against the Delta variant, and its protection wanes with time. Vaccination continues to protect us from hospitalization and death. Vaccination after a COVID infection is more robust.
Death Watch (press releases announcing BOP COVID-related deaths may be found here): The BOP has reported one additional -- as yet unnamed -- inmate death, bring the inmate death toll to 258. Eight of these inmates died while on home confinement. Staff deaths remain at 6.